bpbarbozaMar 51 min readHinamatsuri 2025Renditions of traditional and digital art. Background image taken by me and filtered in Photoshop.
bpbarbozaJul 23, 20241 min readAnime Expo 2023 Recap Video - GameRantOfficial GameRant Anime Expo 2023 recap short, featured on its YouTube and other social media platforms.
bpbarbozaJul 23, 20241 min readOfficial GameRant Anime Expo 2024 CoverageOfficial convention coverage from Anime Expo for GameRant's YouTube channel
bpbarbozaJul 12, 20241 min readMidterm - Intercultural CommunicationsMidterm for my Intercultural Communications class in Japan
bpbarbozaJul 12, 20241 min readFinal Project - Intercultural CommunicationsFinal presentation for my Intercultural Communications class at Kansai Gaidai University
bpbarbozaAug 12, 20231 min readSelf Portrait: "Here I Am" - 11th Grade ProjectAs an artist and a person, there are many things that make me unique. To start off, I’m not the kind of person who tags along and blindly...
bpbarbozaAug 12, 20231 min readSafety Procedures: "Derp" - 9th Grade ProjectMy original group for a previous project disbanded into two separate groups. As a result, my partner and I came up with our own idea -...
bpbarbozaAug 12, 20231 min readTeam Name Campaign - 9th Grade ProjectEvery year, the class was tasked to come up with a "team name" for our class. My group and I decided to take some inspiration from video...
bpbarbozaAug 12, 20231 min readRolling MeshAn image using the mesh tool in Adobe Illustrator. At this time, I had just gotten back into the Final Fantasy series; and so along with...
bpbarbozaAug 12, 20231 min readSee Something, Say SomethingDuring the 2020 elections, my digital arts class assigned us to create a piece centered around encouraging people to vote. I made this in...
bpbarbozaJan 27, 20231 min readNo Tricks, Only TreatsMade for the trick-or-treaters in our neighborhood. We had two bags full of candy set outside. All images were made by me in Adobe...
bpbarbozaJan 27, 20231 min readThe Biology of AutismFor my biology class, we were going over the science of neurological disorders. My team was in charge of presenting our findings on...
bpbarbozaJan 27, 20231 min readSelf PortraitFor one of my digital art classes. The prompt was to trace over an already existing portrait of ourselves and color it like pop art. We...
bpbarbozaSep 4, 20221 min readCalpico Sample PRSample of marketing material. Cartoon cans created by me in Adobe Illustrator.
bpbarbozaSep 4, 20221 min readCSUDH LogoFor my internship at CSUDH's Esports program. One of my tasks they had me do was remake their logo in Japanese. Edited and modified in...
bpbarbozaSep 2, 20221 min readRestartMy digital arts project. It's a sequel to my first pandemic inspired piece, "On Pause". This one is a bit more pessimistic. Whereas the...