Welcome to my portfolio!
ポートフォリオにようこそです! Desktop site picture taken at Fushimi Inari in Kyoto, Japan.
I am a dedicated artist, writer, and traveler! In this portfolio is a compilation of my passion, work, goals, and who I am. Please head over to the blog tab to take a look at my work! I hope you enjoy looking through everything!

My Story
Growing up, I had a lot of things I wanted to do: Comic illustrator, singer, actress, movie producer, the list goes on. I had always wanted to travel the world and go on adventures like I always did whenever I played video games in my childhood. Come my Junior year in high school, and my peers and I were required to get internships based on what we wanted to do after college. My peers all knew what they wanted, yet I didn't know what to work towards.
One of my mentors had asked me what I was passionate about, what was something I loved, a company I loved, something I want to see happen; but I had never actually sat down to think about it until then. At that point I realized it was in front of me this whole time. I want to enter the gaming industry in Japan. I got a new founded motivation, I began to take Japanese seriously and began work towards a future that expands outside of my home country.
As of 2024, I have traveled by myself to Tokyo multiple times and lived in Osaka for 3 months, visited over 50 shrines and temples, climbed two mountains, and was part of a manga class that published a book with my classmates's and my work, all taught by a professional manga artist who also teaches at Kyoto Seika University - the only University in the world that offers manga degrees and have taught some of the best Japanese creators. I have also traveled to Mexico where I volunteered with my Spanish teacher at an Orphanage when I was in high school. Currently, I am a freelance writer for GameRant and frequently travel to conventions all around the US (and internationally) to give readers the inside scoop on what's going on in the industry. I also occasionally provide footage and collaborate with GR's content creation team. So far I have personally interviewed over 5 industry professionals such as Kaiji Tang and Yoko Taro.
Tricks of the Trade
Always striving for improvement on my craft and proficiencies.
Project Management
In charge of Gamer's Club in which we hosted game tournaments, and the primary student-run entertainment team. Was part of Kansai Gaidai's official International Engagement Program, where I led the networking and marketing portion of my team.
Japanese Language Proficiency
Can read and write in hiragana, katakana, and some kanji. Intermediate proficiency. Unofficially JLPT N2 - N3 level
Technical and Creative Writing
Experience in event coverage, media reviews, and various local publications.